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Cyber Control 2.1

Cyber Control Cyber Control 2.1

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Cyber Control Publisher's Description

Fraud is a threat to any organisation from both internal and external parties. Securing a company against these risks is just one security step in the overall protection plan. Identifying external parties that have gained backdoor access, or internal staff that are defrauding a company need also be identified to ensure assets are not lost, data privacy is upheld, thus keeping a companies reputation and brand in good standing.

Datplan s approach is to offer a software solution that gives an overview of 8 key cyber risk areas, their threats, and the associated risk management steps which should be implemented. With risk area white papers and a pre-populated and editable project plan listing, an immediate start can be made to implement cyber security best practice policies.

Datplan's Cyber Control software also includes a full fraud detection package utilising forensic accounting techniques such as Benfords law and Chi^2 to help identify possible fraudulent transactions, as well as a suite of 20 key fraud detection reports. Running over MS excel, Access and CSV files, Cyber Control can analyse hundreds to millions of transaction records in a dataset.

With Data Privacy and GDPR a compliance must, Cyber control also allows system reviews to check for potential threats and file scans to ensure files are password protected. Protected files can have a strength test to ensure it is protected against the most commonly used passwords.

Cyber Control is the tool to sit with your existing protection software such as anti-virus and firewalls ensuring all round protection and understanding of cyber threats and risk management strategies.

What's New in Version 2.1 of Cyber Control

Updated cyber security documentation

Look for Similar Items by Category

Security & Antivirus > Other Tools
This product is also listed in: Encryption software


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